We are offering personal effect and diplomatic cargo handling services. Our services include collection from your place, repacking, loading, import and or export customs services, transportation and door delivery at destination point.
The transport of personal effect and house hold goods are subject to observing customs rules and the carriers transport conditions.
In order to make your relocated smoother , faster and easier to your new place and ensure safe and free head ache delivery of goods , Usually our personal effect & int. removals team (including customs, packing , pricing experts) shall meet you at your place to inspect your shipment and give you all required information about most suitable packing models, best transport modes, customs advisory details, removals costs estimates, the air lines and or shipping lines and or customs restricted commodities which not allowed to be put in to the luggage (i.e. spay cans, batteries, dangerous & prohibited items).
We will work and offer our clients professional guidance in every detail, our customer services at your disposal to support your inquires.